Monday, October 3, 2016

I visualize being at a quiet beach; seagulls flying above underneath wispy clouds encouraged by a soft breeze. The air so clean it stings my nose. I'm at peace.

Unfortunately, this is fantasy, and I am in Bakersfield, an environmental disaster located dead center of California's Central San Joaquin Valley.

I cherish the few days when a storm passes cleansing the earth and air. This brief period, nonetheless is welcomed and appreciated, an offering of nature’s healing and respite to a battered mind, body and spirit.

My resolve to be healthy will not give in to a setting that contributes to 70% of Bakersfield’s chronic illnesses.

In my mind, I visit My Healthy Sanctuary where I am shielded from harmful rays, dirty air and water, contaminated foods, negative influence, and the misguided hearts and minds full of pessimism.

This I will find and build.

Once completed, all will be welcomed to visit My Healthy Sanctuary for balance, peace, and a well-being for good health and healing.

In the meantime, read my thoughts and be part of the momentum where we can live in harmony with ourselves and the nature that God granted us.

Peace and Calm Strength…Sonshyne Mitchell

(picture courtesy of

Thursday, September 29, 2016

“Somehow, we'll find it. The balance between whom we wish to be and whom we need to be. But for now, we simply have to be satisfied with who we are.”  ― Brandon SandersonThe Hero of Ages

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


          It can be as simple as taking a quiet walk on a beach or pretending you’re on a quiet planet you call your own.
          Mindful thinking, when you peel off the romance of martial arts and Eastern philosophy can be as simple as sitting on a chair, closing your eyes, breathing deeply and softly, and hearing the beat of your heat while removing all thoughts from your mind, acknowledging your successes and failures but not allowing emotions to penetrate your space.
         Simple?  Yes.
          Easy?  No.
          Should you do it? Absolutely.
Water soaks the earth
Where a tree receives nourishment
To rise and bend with the wind
Feeling the strength and energy from the sun…
Done so without the unnecessary noise from civilization.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Reiki: Myth or Real?

Reiki is healing method that promotes stress reduction and relaxation and is based on an idea that energy flows through us that gives us life.

Like many Asian based systems, it has undergone change taking on many identities. Some of those names include: Mikao Usui Reiki, Gendai Reiki Ho, Celtic Reiki, Siechim Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Western Reiki, spelled also as Rekai, Raiki, and Reke.

Regardless the name and system, the basic belief is that if a "life force energy" is low or blocked, a person will fall ill. If it is high, which is the goal, a person’s life would be fulfilled; happy, healthy, and able to work, contribute to society, and love family and self unconditionally.