Saturday, September 24, 2016

Reiki: Myth or Real?

Reiki is healing method that promotes stress reduction and relaxation and is based on an idea that energy flows through us that gives us life.

Like many Asian based systems, it has undergone change taking on many identities. Some of those names include: Mikao Usui Reiki, Gendai Reiki Ho, Celtic Reiki, Siechim Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Western Reiki, spelled also as Rekai, Raiki, and Reke.

Regardless the name and system, the basic belief is that if a "life force energy" is low or blocked, a person will fall ill. If it is high, which is the goal, a person’s life would be fulfilled; happy, healthy, and able to work, contribute to society, and love family and self unconditionally.